-Details- 2024   Older details here

The sections below provide more information on specific projects.  Most recent projects at top.

Sauvignon Blanc 2023 -  

Frozen must from Livermore Valley California.   Purchased from winegrapes.com.  

The five gallon pale arrived in good shape.  As expected, after traveling  five days, the must was fully thawed. [72º F (22º C).] Unusual, was the consistacy of the liquid portion of the must.  After mixing between buckets I tried to get an initial specific gravity reading.  I strained the liquid, through a wide sanitized strainer (to eleminate grapes, seeds and stems) into my hydrometer test jar/cylinder.  However, the liquid was so thick (like a thin pea soup) the hydrometer did not bob up and down.  It was floating but would take a position at or between 1.090 and 1.080.  It held that position even when the test jar was giggled or if  I tried to spin the hydrometer.   

Not sure if this is a temperature issue or something else.  I know winegrapes.com does a lousy job of insulating and packing but, past experience indicated the Sauvignon Blanc would not be available in cooler months.  And the fact they didn't charge to ship from CA to NY must be taken into account.  Time will tell.  

  • Arrived  8/16/2024  Mixed and added 1.2g KMB.  Added Go-Ferm, Fermaid O and Opti-White.   Starting SG around  1.082. (See notes above.)
  • 8/17/24- pitched yeast in the morning.
  • 8/18- Fermentation evident.  SG around 1.060


Cali Chianti-

Concentrated wine must  from Lodi California.  This is a blend of Sangiovese, Merlot and Petite Sirah.  It is one of the Finer forte wine kit options.    Added two grape skin packs a seed pack and oak chips to the must.  I am using the FF unit (Fast Ferment) as primary fermenter since it  has more volume and my other primary is in use.   Hoping for a robust wine.

  • Arrived June 15, 2024  Starting SG 1.102
  • 6/16- pitched yeast mixture (Lalvin RC 212)
  • 6/17- active fermentation stirred.  Added collection ball to FF
  • 6/18- SG 1.070 - Added yeast nutrient- Removed .5 gal. must to separate carboy becuse everything was overflowing.  
  • 6/19- SG 1.042 - Stirred  X2-  Temp 79ºF (external temp 74ºF)
  • 6/20- SG 1.000 - Stirred X2- Temp 75ºF - Sealed with airlock.
  • 6/21- Stirred X2- Added .5 gal back to must
  • 6/29- SG 0.995 - Removed grape skins and seeds- degassed- added 1.2g.KMB- added clarifiers- Added oak cubes.

Sangiovese Merlot blend (2020)  
Livermore - California.  February 2024

Frozen wine must, harvested 2020,shipped from California to my house; from grapesforwine.com.  

  • Arrived February 9, 2024 in a plastic bucket with no box.  Bucket was in good shape. Temperature 40ºF, specific gravity 1.118.   
  • Feb. 10- Mixed pail to pail X2  Temp 56ºF   Added spring water to bring SG to 1.096  Temp now 60ºF  Total volume near 6 gallons. Added:
    • 1 g. KMB- 
    • 8 g. Fermaid-O  
    • 10g. FT Rouge Tannin
    • 10g. Go Ferm Protect
    • 8g. Opti-Red 
    • Added 5g. yeast (Red Star Premier Rouge) several hours later. 
  • 2/11-  Fermentation has started. Temperature 65ºF
  • 2/12- SG-1.085  Punched cap x2 (everyday)
  • 2/13- SG 1.072  temp 69ºF
  • 2/15- SG 1.042  temp 70ºF
  • 2/16- SG 1.030  Sealed proimary with airlock
  • 2/17-     Added 14g oal chips  (mixed toast levels)
  • 2/18- SG 1.014
  • 2/20 SG-1.005
  • 2/23 SG-1.000
  • 2/25 SG- 1.000 Pressed (4.8Gal)  Added Oak chips and cubes.  Started MLF     ABV=13%
  • 5/8- SG-0.995- Racked to glass- Clarified- Degased- Added 1g.KMB.
  • 6/4- Racked - SG- 0.995-   ABV 13.7% 
  • 6/22- Racked
  • 6/29- Bottled- (21 bottles) Ended up $6.90/bottle.  Initial taste is very smooth with nice mouthfeel. Very good.

Wine must cap in primary fermenter.

Newly purchased wine press. Much better yield than bucket press.  Video here.

Sangiovese (2021)  
Livermore - California  
January  2024

Frozen wine must shipped from California to my house; from grapesforwine.com.  

  • Arrived Jan. 16, 2024. Plastic bucket was crushed but not leaking.  Interesting as the box was undamaged. {Maybe occurred during freezing as it was in a freezer since 2021} Temperature 57ºF, specific gravity 1.094.    Minimal cooling packets.  Glad I purchased in winter.  The box sat at UPS warehouse three days over long weekend.  Next time I'll avoid holiday weekend. 
  • Jan. 17- Starting SG  1.093  Temperature 63ºF  Added
    • - 0.9g. KMB- 
    • 8 g. Fermaid-O  
    • 10g. FT Rouge Tannin
    • 10g. Go Ferm Protect
    • 8g. Opti-Red 
    • Lalvin RC 212 yeast after five hours.
  • 1/19- SG- 1.086  Stirred, Fermentation active.
  • Punch Cap twice everyday.
  • 1/22- SG-1.034
  • 1/31- SG-0.997  Pressed- Added MLF bacteria and Oak.  Got about 4.75 gallons from press.  Better than anticipated. 
  • 4/1- SG- 0.994- Racked to bucket and back to glass- Added 1g.KMB- Degassed.  The glass carboy was 5gallons so I used marbles to reduce volume.
  • 4/18- Racked to new glass 4 gal carboy.  NO Marbles!!  The marble idea sucks.  (No clarifier)
  • 5/31- Racked- SG- 0.994   ABV- 13.4%  (Still no clarifiers.)
  • 6/22- Racked  (Still no clarifiers.)
  • 6/29- Bottled (18 bottles) $8.17/bottle.  Initial tasting is very good. Nice mouthfeel and just a bit of pucker.  Dry with fruit hints.  It should be really great as it ages.

Sangiovese bucket upon arrival

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